Do you have questions? Contact Us.  801-635-9650

Contact The Solida Foundation

It’s extremely difficult to stay sober long-term when you’re on your own. That’s why The Solida Foundation is here; we want to make recovery resources more accessible to those who need them. If you want to get started on your sobriety journey, contact The Solida Foundation today.

If you don’t already know how we help, you can learn more about our recovery scholarships HERE. If you’d like to get involved and donate to the program, you can do so HERE. Working together, we believe we can provide people with the necessary tools they need to change their lives.

Do you have questions about The Solida Foundation and how you can apply to be considered for our services? If you have a sincere desire to get sober, fill out the form below to begin the process of healing.

    You are also invited to call the number below, day or night, or reach out to The Solida Foundation via email.

    Do You Want To Stay Sober Long Term?

    If you have a sincere desire to get sober, just 51% in, fill out the below section to begin the process of Healing. You are welcome to call the below number day or night as well.